Archives Events
Moon Village Design Hackathon 2021
The Moon Village Design Hackathon 2021 will take place during the 5th Global Moon Village Workshop & Symposium, on December 06-08, 2021.
Moon Village Association Architecture Working Group – Winter 2021-2022 Workshop
The MVA Architectural Concepts and Considerations Working Group (WG) will hold its Winter 2021-2022 Workshop online next month. The goal of this workshop is to advance concept, longer-term planning and cooperation for humanity vis-a-vis Earth’s Moon. The objectives of the meeting will be to:(1) review the status of MVA Architecture WG studies (including the OASIS 2045 Case Study); (2) to review of […]
Cultural WG webinar: Spirituality and the Moon
The spiritual needs of space enthusiasts and future Moon workers and settlers need to be addressed as the settlement of the Moon advances. This webinar will explore possible whys and hows. Agenda: Introduction - Remo RapettiFuturist Moonlight Meditations - Giulio PriscoSacred space - Catherine NewellPeak of Eternal Light - Jorge Mañes RubioQ&A session - Arthur […]
The Moon as Muse: Visions for Lunar Artistic Engagement
The Moon has been a fountainhead of humanity’s time awareness beyond days and within seasons. Ancient artwork around the world testifies to the deep origins of our cultural relationship to our satellite world. The sheer volume of literature, music and art about the Moon would take a massive undertaking to catalog across time and cultures. […]
IAF GNF Event – The First International Moon Day in 2022
The International Moon Day, was approved by the UN General Assembly in December 2021, to be celebrated every 20th of July, as from 2022. The International Moon Day has been proposed by the Moon Village Association and a Group within its organisation has been set up.The International Moon Day shall be celebrated thanks to a […]
MVA Mexico webinar – Los desafíos de habitar la Luna
En este panel, se discutirán diferentes problemas y propuestas frente a los desafíos que trae consigo el habitar la luna. Al panel están invitados start ups y empresas Mexicanas, Mayan Space y Dereum Labs. Quienes actualmente se encuentran trabajando en proyectos relacionados con la Luna. ENG. On this panel, we will discuss different problems and […]
Why Moon Exploration for Emerging Space Countries? And the Moon Village Oasis 2045
The first webinar in a series organised by the MVA PESC project.Speakers:Ghanim AlotaibiJohn C. Mankins Register on Zoom to participate