Archives Events
IAF GNF Event – The First International Moon Day in 2022
The International Moon Day, was approved by the UN General Assembly in December 2021, to be celebrated every 20th of July, as from 2022. The International Moon Day has been proposed by the Moon Village Association and a Group within its organisation has been set up.The International Moon Day shall be celebrated thanks to a […]
MVA Mexico webinar – Los desafíos de habitar la Luna
En este panel, se discutirán diferentes problemas y propuestas frente a los desafíos que trae consigo el habitar la luna. Al panel están invitados start ups y empresas Mexicanas, Mayan Space y Dereum Labs. Quienes actualmente se encuentran trabajando en proyectos relacionados con la Luna. ENG. On this panel, we will discuss different problems and […]
Why Moon Exploration for Emerging Space Countries? And the Moon Village Oasis 2045
The first webinar in a series organised by the MVA PESC project.Speakers:Ghanim AlotaibiJohn C. Mankins Register on Zoom to participate
Egypt PESC Roadmap Progress toward the Moon
The second webinar of the PESC Project. Register to Participate or watch live on the MVA Facebook Page. Speakers:MVA Egypt members
Progress Toward the Vision of the Moon Village – MVA Activity Session at the ISDC 2022
A session on MVA activities will take place at the upcoming International Space Development Conference (ISDC) 2022 in Arlington, VA (USA). Agenda 10:00 am - Moon Village Architecture WG Case Study. John C. Mankins (Moon Village Association)10:20 am - The International Moon Day. Dr. Nasr Al-Sahhaf (Moon Village Association)10:45 am - NSS Student Space Settlement […]
COPUOS Side Event – Progressing Lunar Policy: a Round Table
Online via Zoom: Organizers Moon Village AssociationOpen Lunar FoundationSecure World FoundationSpace Generation Advisory Council Moderation: For All Moonkind (Michelle Hanlon) Program (45 minutes): Introduction by the moderatorOpening remarksRepresentatives of the organizing Permanent ObserversGiuseppe Reibaldi (Moon Village Association)Chelsea Robinson (Open Lunar Foundation)Ian Christensen (Secure World Foundation)Antonino Salmeri (Space Generation Advisory Council)Discussion between panelistsQuestions & Answers
MVA Pakistan Webinar – Lunar Imaging & Data Processing
When: Jun 25, 2022 08:00 PM Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent Register in advance for this meeting: registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Agenda: In this webinar our speaker is going to talk about his lunar imaging experience and share his techniques of lunar imaging and data processing.Image processing is a […]
A bridge to the Moon, Opening opportunities for analog research in Colombia
The third webinar in the PESC Project webinar series.Speaker:Oscar Ojeda Register on Zoom:
PromoMoon Initative – Closing Session
At the end of 2021, the Moon Village Association in cooperation with the leading Ukrainian space engineering company Yuzhnoye State Design Office organized the 1st PromoMoon Initiative for Moon Village Generation in honor of Dr. Alexander Degtyarev. 15 teams from 10 countries from around the world covering 3 different continents have participated in the competition […]