Archives Events
MVA General Assembly
Zoom CallThe MVA General Assembly will take place via Zoom. AGENDA Introduction and Summary of one year of activities by the President Report on the technical status of activities Report of the Treasurer Report of the Auditors Discharge of the Board Election of the Board and Auditors Proposed changes to the Statute Approval of the Bylaws […]
MVA & SGAC Webinar: Shifted lunar perspectives on habitats and women on the Moon
Online EventThe Moon Village Association is collaborating with the SGAC Our Giant Leap initiative on a an exciting interactive webinar. Our distinguished Speaker, space architect Barbara Imhof, will share with you her insights on lunar exploration, future space missions and the place and role of women and diversity in it. Register to participate in the webinar […]
MVA Webinar: What we talk about when we talk about the Moon?
Online EventMVA Webinar hosted by the Cultural Considerations Working Group Agenda: Introduction- Remo Rapetti Prof. Stefano Catucci: "What we talk about when we talk about the Moon" Michelle Hanlon, Co-Founder and President, For All Moonkind:" Why protect the bootprints? A look at the legal and social issues that intersect the past and the future" Arthur Woods […]
SOLD OUT – Governance of Global Moon exploration and settlement – Episode 1: Best Practices
Online EventThe event is SOLD OUT. Watch the webinar on our Facebook Page. Humanity will soon be returning to the Moon through the individual and cooperative efforts of multiple space agencies and private companies around the world. This new era of lunar exploration will witness resource extraction, energy generation, habitat construction, and, in short, a growing […]
Governance of Global Moon exploration and settlement – Episode 2: Operating with Due Regard, Avoiding Harmful Interference, and Establishing Safety Zones
Online EventHumanity will soon be returning to the Moon through the individual and cooperative efforts of multiple space agencies and private companies around the world. This new era of lunar exploration will witness resource extraction, energy generation, habitat construction, and, in time, a growing permanent international human presence on our Moon with everything that human settlements […]
Webinar: What would it mean to give ‘Legal Personhood’ to the Moon?
Join a live webinar on the 18th August as part of National Science Week to hear amazing speakers: Alice Gorman, Donna Lawler, Gabrielle Harris Dr Michelle Maloney & Ceridwen Dovey discuss this pertinent question. We're excited to launch this third Public Forum on the Moon event in collaboration with Annie Handmer, and Satellite Applications Catapult […]
Roscosmos – First online space law and policies international conference “Russian outer space talks”
MVA President, Dr. Giuseppe Reibaldi will be a speaker at the first online space law and policies international conference “Russian outer space talks” conference, which is organised by Roscosmos. Dr. Reibaldi will participate in the open panel discussion "Legal aspects of exploration, extraction and utilization of space resources". The Conference will be open and will be […]
Governance of Global Moon Exploration and Settlement Episode 3 – Sharing the Benefits of Lunar Activities
Online EventBoth the United States and China have revealed their plans to return people to the Moon in the near future. Many other countries, as well as private companies, will partner with the U.S. and China in these endeavors. As these missions move forward, the risk for interference or conflict arising from competition for sunlight, ice, […]
Webinar – MVA Architectural Concepts Working Group
Online EventThe world is going to the Moon together. Over the coming 6-7 years, dozens of cubesats, orbiters, landers, rovers and sample returns from up to a dozen countries will be heading to the Moon. The primary focus will be on the science, exploration and on prospects for development of the Moon – with a clear […]
Non-space business goes to the Moon
Online EventThe ESA Downstream Gateway and the Moon Village Association (MVA) are organizing a webinar to address opportunities and challenges for non-space industries as to their possible contribution to the Moon Village establishment & development. The event is streamed in cooperation with Cyprus Space Exploration Organization (CSEO). Register to participate in the webinar: or watch live […]