Archives Events
Webinar: What would it mean to give ‘Legal Personhood’ to the Moon?
Join a live webinar on the 18th August as part of National Science Week to hear amazing speakers: Alice Gorman, Donna Lawler, Gabrielle Harris Dr Michelle Maloney & Ceridwen Dovey […]
Roscosmos – First online space law and policies international conference “Russian outer space talks”
MVA President, Dr. Giuseppe Reibaldi will be a speaker at the first online space law and policies international conference “Russian outer space talks” conference, which is organised by Roscosmos. Dr. Reibaldi […]
Governance of Global Moon Exploration and Settlement Episode 3 – Sharing the Benefits of Lunar Activities
Online EventBoth the United States and China have revealed their plans to return people to the Moon in the near future. Many other countries, as well as private companies, will partner […]
Webinar – MVA Architectural Concepts Working Group
Online EventThe world is going to the Moon together. Over the coming 6-7 years, dozens of cubesats, orbiters, landers, rovers and sample returns from up to a dozen countries will be […]
Non-space business goes to the Moon
Online EventThe ESA Downstream Gateway and the Moon Village Association (MVA) are organizing a webinar to address opportunities and challenges for non-space industries as to their possible contribution to the Moon […]
MVA Italian Network – Round Table
Program of the Round Table as part of Galassica festival Introduzione (GR) MVA Italia- Presentazione degli obiettivi e programma preliminare (Molisella) Il Villaggio Lunare per i giovani (Giulia Bassani) Non […]
C&C monthly call
Zoom CallZoom Link Topic: C&C WG call Time: Oct 9, 2020 05:00 AM Paris Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 818 0478 5449 Passcode: 383184 One tap mobile +19294362866,,81804785449#,,,,,,0#,,383184# US (New […]
IAC 2020 – Symposium 4, Session 2
MVA president, Dr. Giuseppe Reibaldi is co-chair of the IPC of Session D4.2 Session Title Contribution of Moon Village to Solving Global Societal Issues Session Description Moon Village is a […]
Fly me to the Moon: The Promise of Lunar Tourism
Online EventMVA Cultural Considerations Working Group webinar Agenda Introduction 5' - Remo Rapetti Getting there 20' - Derek Webber Being there 20' - Patrick Collins Q&A management and conclusions 15' - […]
Governance of Global Moon Exploration and Settlement Episode 4: Best Practices for Sustainable Lunar Activities – The way forward
Online EventBoth the United States and China have revealed their plans to return people to the Moon in the near future. Many other countries, as well as private companies, will partner […]